TRANS 2017 Promo | 生醫新創國際論壇宣傳片
「 不同語言 · 同樣目的 」
"Different Languages, Same Purpose "
作為亞洲第一個「生醫新創 X 策展美學」型態的生醫新創國際論壇,邁入第二屆的 TRANS Conference 2017 由來自世界各地的人組成,使用不同媒介、不同工具溝通,因為相同目的而齊聚 —— 對生醫新創擁有偉大的願景,並朝國際舞台前進。
As the pioneer of healthcare international forum of its kind “ Healthcare Innovation x Curating Aesthetics”, the second edition of TRANS Conference 2017 welcomes professionals from all over the world using different mediums and tools for communication yet the same purposes – the great vision for healthcare and innovation towards to the international stage.
The concept of the motion graphic is inspired from the chat box which indicating the exchange of the messages. The image of chat box symbolizes that people using different languages and ways of communicating from different backgrounds in terms of the process and spirituality to the same goal.
On the creative strategy-wise, in addition to the multiple objects of messaging showing ways of communicating beyond its original circumstance in order to emphasize the “different languages.” In the mean time, the blowing bubbles itself as chat box reach the finishing line and the then logotype of TRANS appears
when the story ends.
when the story ends.
_ 截圖 Final Stills

_ 分鏡 Storyboard

░ 宣傳片動態影像統籌 Design Studio / 白輻射影像 WhiteLight Motion ░
導演 Director:洪鈺堂 Rex Hon
分鏡設計 Concept & Storyboard:林妤恒 Yu-Heng Lin、黃三三 Brooke Huang
動畫 3D Artist:趙玟傑 Winson Chao、陳志育 Ida Chen
風格設計 Styleframe Designer:陳志育 Ida Chen
動態設計 Motion Designer : 許凱鈞 KaiChun Hsu
合成 Color Grading & Compositing:洪鈺堂 Rex Hon
聲音設計 Sound Design:黃榮毅 Eazie Huang
導演 Director:洪鈺堂 Rex Hon
分鏡設計 Concept & Storyboard:林妤恒 Yu-Heng Lin、黃三三 Brooke Huang
動畫 3D Artist:趙玟傑 Winson Chao、陳志育 Ida Chen
風格設計 Styleframe Designer:陳志育 Ida Chen
動態設計 Motion Designer : 許凱鈞 KaiChun Hsu
合成 Color Grading & Compositing:洪鈺堂 Rex Hon
聲音設計 Sound Design:黃榮毅 Eazie Huang